Feature Writing Winner

The Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing (SABEW) has honored the writer, Joe Fassler of The Counter, as the Feature Winner in the 2019 Best in Business Honors for his piece, "The Man Who's Going To Save Your Neighborhood Grocery Store".
Published in the April 23, 2019 issue of thecounter.org, this article featured an in-depth look at how Kevin Kelley and Shook Kelley approach grocery store design through the lens of consumer experience and behavior.
The SABEW judges cited: In “The man who’s going to save your neighborhood grocery store,” reporter Joe Fassler comes to grips with the desperation of longtime regional grocers who, while reluctant to change, must face up to the reality of customers abandoning their brick-and-mortar stores to buy food online. Fassler writes not only of the dilemmas they face, but also of the solutions provided by architect Kevin Kelley, the “supermarket ghostwriter,” who offers them a lifeline. A compelling story beginning to end, it lays out in fascinating detail the concept of grocery shopping for pleasure. It even manages to tug at the heartstrings with the story of a jaded, third-generation grocer, Rich Niemann, who is driven to tears of joy when during the reinvention process Kelley captures the emotional core of his business.”
Read the original story here!