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The Fountains
The proposed development of The Fountains will be a model of Place Sensitive Planning, focused on creating a place that “fits” into the landscape, enhances the needs of the community, and improves upon the natural world for the future.

Placemaking—utilizing sustainable design principles from the new urban movement—is fundamentally different from the way in which typical suburban subdivisions are created. Where subdivisions appeal to a customer base in which price may be the overriding issue, places appeal to customers at many levels. A typical subdivision layout for the property would most likely erase many natural characteristics of a site, and not deliver any new aesthetic value. Natural areas and wetlands would most likely be eradicated and in their place will be even more of the same unconnected houses sitting uniformly on their lots. Beauty is not a term one would normally apply to these subdivisions. The Fountains will be crafted to appeal to a broad spectrum of people who place high value on natural beauty, recreational activities, social venues, and purposeful architecture.
Placemaking—utilizing sustainable design principles from the new urban movement—is fundamentally different from the way in which typical suburban subdivisions are created. Where subdivisions appeal to a customer base in which price may be the overriding issue, places appeal to customers at many levels. A typical subdivision layout for the property would most likely erase many natural characteristics of a site, and not deliver any new aesthetic value. Natural areas and wetlands would most likely be eradicated and in their place will be even more of the same unconnected houses sitting uniformly on their lots. Beauty is not a term one would normally apply to these subdivisions. The Fountains will be crafted to appeal to a broad spectrum of people who place high value on natural beauty, recreational activities, social venues, and purposeful architecture.