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Midtown Charleston
The Charleston Midtown project is a development study in conjunction with the City of Charleston, SC, for a one-block area in the historic downtown district. Based on a concept of interconnected alleys and courtyards designed in the historic style of Charleston, Midtown is intended as a gateway development into the historic district.

The development study and plan for Midtown includes the restoration and renovation of historic structures, a greenway along a future rail/trolley corridor, a 500 room hotel, a 50,000sf conference center with accompanying parking garage, and 300,000sf of office, institutional, residential and street level retail space.
Working with clients GreenHawk Partners, LLC, and Clement Crawford & Thornhill, Inc., Shook Kelley prepared multiple development plans and site sections based on initial input by the City of Charleston Department of Planning.
The development study and plan for Midtown includes the restoration and renovation of historic structures, a greenway along a future rail/trolley corridor, a 500 room hotel, a 50,000sf conference center with accompanying parking garage, and 300,000sf of office, institutional, residential and street level retail space.
Working with clients GreenHawk Partners, LLC, and Clement Crawford & Thornhill, Inc., Shook Kelley prepared multiple development plans and site sections based on initial input by the City of Charleston Department of Planning.