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49er Village
Shook Kelley performed a planning study for a proposed mixed-use village center on the existing campus of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

The proposed plan for 49er Village involves amenities for a college town that would provide students and faculty alike the opportunity to run into other people in a place that is intellectually stimulating, where informal rituals can develop as part of an environment that is real and unscripted, and which is connected to the university in an unambiguous and meaningful manner.
The Plan is tailored first and foremeost to the academic needs and tastes of the student and faculty population. But, such environments offer the prospect of the chance encounter in an unstructured and open environment. This plan outlines the framework for creating an attractive, safe, commercially-friendly and pedestrian-oriented outdoor place. This will be emphasized through the village center, the hierarchy of the street network, the relationship of the buildings to the streets and how both the landscape and hardscape should be treated.
The proposed plan for 49er Village involves amenities for a college town that would provide students and faculty alike the opportunity to run into other people in a place that is intellectually stimulating, where informal rituals can develop as part of an environment that is real and unscripted, and which is connected to the university in an unambiguous and meaningful manner.
The Plan is tailored first and foremeost to the academic needs and tastes of the student and faculty population. But, such environments offer the prospect of the chance encounter in an unstructured and open environment. This plan outlines the framework for creating an attractive, safe, commercially-friendly and pedestrian-oriented outdoor place. This will be emphasized through the village center, the hierarchy of the street network, the relationship of the buildings to the streets and how both the landscape and hardscape should be treated.