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Hazel SouthPark
Working with Florida-based developer ZOM, the vision for this development in the SouthPark area of Charlotte was successfully established and accepted by neighborhood groups along with City Council. Shook Kelley actively engaged with community members during public presentations and assisted the developer in preparation of materials, documents, and statements to further communicate the project’s vision.

Shook Kelley also provided guidance for the conceptual design and technical knowledge with regards to the successful rezoning documentation effort. The mixed-use project is intended to raise the bar of development and design in an area that was identified for opportunity by a comprehensive ULI study. A ground floor level was designed to engage pedestrians with 15,000sf of retail, public plazas, and a focus on the streetscape experience. In addition to ground level townhouse units, luxury apartment options rise five stories above the ground floor to provide a grand total of 246 residences. Great care was taken in the overall design to preserve the existing and older tree canopy at the streetscape which is widely considered to be a key asset to this area.
Shook Kelley also provided guidance for the conceptual design and technical knowledge with regards to the successful rezoning documentation effort. The mixed-use project is intended to raise the bar of development and design in an area that was identified for opportunity by a comprehensive ULI study. A ground floor level was designed to engage pedestrians with 15,000sf of retail, public plazas, and a focus on the streetscape experience. In addition to ground level townhouse units, luxury apartment options rise five stories above the ground floor to provide a grand total of 246 residences. Great care was taken in the overall design to preserve the existing and older tree canopy at the streetscape which is widely considered to be a key asset to this area.